BPM-CG team has delivered positive change across a broad range of industries ConstructionRe-organised top level teams to be completely project focusedCreated data driven environments, addressing problems before they impact cost and progressDelivered behaviour change, at the point of execution to create a far safer working environment MiningDeveloped maintenance management systems, increasing available time and drive production predictabilityIncreased co-ordination and communication across departments to create a joined up organisation FinancialIncreased sales effectiveness in retail sector by implementing new customer facing behavioursReduced ‘back-office’ costs through employee driven assignments EnergyProject managed the introduction of smart technology to improve payments and reduce operating costsRestructured organisations and retrained staff members to reduce the need to recruit as the organisations grow Oil & GasReduced the downtime of critical assets through the development of enhanced supply chain modelsIntroduced management systems to ensure the control and ownership of the assets ManufacturingImproved the operational flow of the products, from raw material to delivery to a customerIncreased the co-ordination and communication across divisions and departments, ensuring on-time delivery to customers Get In Touch